Life-size left and right ear acupuncture models
Our ear acupuncture models show the left and right ears in their actual size. The acupuncture points are clearly presented on these models and numbered according to Chinese terminology.
In ear acupuncture, acupuncture points on the ear are assigned to different body regions and functions. Because the points lie very close together, the precise localisation of the points is particularly important. These detailed models help with this.
Product details
- Models of left and right human ears
- Acupuncture points numbered according to Chinese terminology
- Life-size (aprox. 5 x 4.5 cm)
- 1 left and 1 right ear per pack
- Made in China
Specifications of Left and right ear acupuncture models (1:1)
Type (topic/area) | Ear acupuncture |
Feature | Model |
Left and right ear acupuncture models (1:1)
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Our ear acupuncture models show the left and right ears in their actual size. The acupuncture points are clearly presented on these models and numbered according to Chinese terminology.
In ear acupuncture, acupuncture points on the ear are assigned to different body regions and functions. Because the points lie very close together, the precise localisation of the points is particularly important. These detailed models help with this.
Product details
- Models of left and right human ears
- Acupuncture points numbered according to Chinese terminology
- Life-size (aprox. 5 x 4.5 cm)
- 1 left and 1 right ear per pack
- Made in China
Specifications of Left and right ear acupuncture models (1:1)
Type (topic/area) | Ear acupuncture |
Feature | Model |