Jenny Allison
Jenny Allison

Jenny Allison is an acupuncturist and a graduate of Acupuncture Colleges Australia and the Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She has a BA in languages and a diploma of secondary teaching.
Jenny is an acupuncturist whose passion for the last 25 years has been women’s health, studying, teaching, and working with women and mothers using acupuncture and Chinese medicine. She has trained in this area with traditional practitioners in London, Sydney, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Her interest in the care of mothers after childbirth began after she graduated, gave birth to her first child and discovered the postnatal traditions of her own multicultural family. She began talking with mothers and grandmothers from other parts of the world, and realised not only the importance of good care for the mothers and babies in these societies, but that her training in Chinese medical theory was indispensable in interpreting their practices. She decided to record her experiences so that women from all over the world could share their knowledge and learn from each other, and in 2016, she published the book ‘Golden Month, Caring for the World’s Mothers after Childbirth.’ Jenny continues to interview mothers and midwives from different cultures around the world as part of her commitment to preserving this heritage of women’s wisdom and improve the care of all mothers in the post partum.
Jenny has two grown-up children, is a grandmother of new twin girls and practices acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Auckland, New Zealand.
Jenny is an acupuncturist whose passion for the last 25 years has been women’s health, studying, teaching, and working with women and mothers using acupuncture and Chinese medicine. She has trained in this area with traditional practitioners in London, Sydney, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Her interest in the care of mothers after childbirth began after she graduated, gave birth to her first child and discovered the postnatal traditions of her own multicultural family. She began talking with mothers and grandmothers from other parts of the world, and realised not only the importance of good care for the mothers and babies in these societies, but that her training in Chinese medical theory was indispensable in interpreting their practices. She decided to record her experiences so that women from all over the world could share their knowledge and learn from each other, and in 2016, she published the book ‘Golden Month, Caring for the World’s Mothers after Childbirth.’ Jenny continues to interview mothers and midwives from different cultures around the world as part of her commitment to preserving this heritage of women’s wisdom and improve the care of all mothers in the post partum.
Jenny has two grown-up children, is a grandmother of new twin girls and practices acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Auckland, New Zealand.