Marcel Janson
Marcel Janson

Marcel Janson, naturopath in his own practice since 1996 with a focus on acupuncture, western herbs in Chinese medicine and manual therapy. Acupuncture training at ABZ MiTTE in Offenbach 1995-1998. Training in Western Herbs in Chinese Medicine with Dr.rer.nat. Eva Mosheim-Heinrich at ABZ-West 2001. Further training in Japanese acupuncture according to Dr. Manaka and Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) with Dr. Yamamoto. Since 2018: trained in ‘Stems and Branches’ with Aljoscha Schümer – ABZ Shou Zhong in Berlin.
Lecturer since 2001 for the Association of German Alternative Practitioners (FDH), 2010-2016 western herbs in Chinese medicine at Biomedica in Zürich, and since 2013 at ABZ MITTE in Offenbach. Since 2011 in the team of 3-year acupuncture training at ABZ MTTE in Offenbach. Book author, Headaches in Chinese Medicine, publication 2021, Verlag Müller & Steinicke Munich.
Lecturer since 2001 for the Association of German Alternative Practitioners (FDH), 2010-2016 western herbs in Chinese medicine at Biomedica in Zürich, and since 2013 at ABZ MITTE in Offenbach. Since 2011 in the team of 3-year acupuncture training at ABZ MTTE in Offenbach. Book author, Headaches in Chinese Medicine, publication 2021, Verlag Müller & Steinicke Munich.