Brenda Hood

Brenda Hood
Much of Brenda’s CM education was earned in China: first with a degree in CM from the Beijing U of CM; followed by a PhD in Daoist Philosophy from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; finally followed by a Post-Doctorate in Chinese Medicine from the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine under Professor Deng Tie-tao. During the more than 20 years she spent in China gathering this education, she worked with Chinese Medicine doctors outside the academic setting as well as studying with practical adepts of Daoist and Buddhist meditation. Once returned to North America, she started a stint as a professor at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR which lasted 8 ½ years. Presently Brenda is in private practice in Canada, she is working on translating and writing.

Courses taught by Brenda Hood

Maps and Terrains of Qi Anatomy

By Brenda Hood

Language: English

Course length: 1.5 h

curso: de 33,75 €
Qi Anatomy: Study of Heart Pain from the Systemic Classic of Acupuncture

By Brenda Hood

Language: English

Course length: 1.5 h

curso: de 33,75 €
Frequency, Resonance and Vibration

By Brenda Hood

Language: English

Course length: 1.5 h

curso: de 33,75 €