Antje Styskal

Antje Styskal
My professional roots lie in western medicine. The training as a therapist for Traditional Chinese Medicine completed my knowledge and understanding of the diseases and problems of my patients and gives me more options in their treatment and support.

Even after almost 20 years of working in my practice, I draw enthusiastically from the wealth of knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I am happy to pass on my experiences to others. For me, this knowledge is the basis for the holistic view and the individual consideration of people in their environment and with their respective resources.

Naturopath (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Nutritionist based on the 5 elements/TCM
registered nurse

Experience abroad: Switzerland (1993-2010)


2010 - 2012 training as an alternative practitioner in Germany
2006 - 2007 training as a nutritionist based on the 5 elements in CH
2001 - 2004 training as a therapist for traditional Chinese medicine in Zurich/CH (Acupuncture and Chinese Medicinal Herbs)
1999 - 2001Higher specialist training in nursing level 1(nephrology) in CH
1984 - 1987 Training to become a qualified nurse in Germany

work experience

Since 2006 therapist for Traditional Chinese Medicine in her own practice
1987 - 2014 Registered nurse in the fields of dialysis/nephrology, Oncology, Internal Medicine (Germany and Switzerland)


2008 - 2010 Lecturer in nephrological training Zurich/Switzerland
2012 Lecturer at the training facility "Weitbilg" Neubrandenburg
Since 2012 information events for interested citizens on the subject of prevention, Diet according to the 5 elements, including cooking classes
Since 2020 Lecturer at the AGTCM TCM Congress

further training:

2005 Internships at the "Mediterranean Regional Center for TCM" in Malta
2010 Internships at the "University of Chinese Medicine Beijing" (China)

2015 Migraine therapy (Kern)
2015 Mycotherapy (use of medicinal mushrooms)
2016 Aromatherapy
2018 - 2021 Continuing education series: Classic formulations of Chinese Medicine (Jing Fang) as a constitutional remedy, dermatology, gynecology and the desire to have children - therapy with classic Chinese and empirical formulations, with Dr. chin. med. Andrew Kalg
• Various nursing further education courses in body awareness
(kinaesthetics, basal stimulation, classic full body massage)
• Various nursing training courses in the field of nephrology/dialysis
Various further training courses on the subject of acupuncture, Chinese medicine and nutrition according to the 5 elements

Areas of interest:

Combination of conventional medicine and alternative medicine
Care and support for chronically ill people and their relatives
Imparting practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of prevention / Yang Sheng


AG TCM member since 2012

Courses taught by Antje Styskal

Wenn der Darm streikt – ein Thema worüber man schweigt?

By Antje Styskal, Susanne Lindenthal

Language: Deutsch

Course length: 6 h

corso: da 99,00 €
Wenn die Essenz der Niere schwächer wird

By Antje Styskal, Susanne Lindenthal

Language: Deutsch

Course length: 6.75 h

corso: da 111,37 €