Michael Max

Michael Max
The most important thing I’ve learned in my 20+ of practicing Chinese medicine is that acupuncture works from the inside out. Our work with needles puts nothing into a person, but rather calls forth a response from them. Learning to invite the body’s vitality to bring people into a deeper sense of coherence and wellbeing is something that becomes more intriguing to me as the years pass.

I’ve had the good fortune to travel a little, to study in Taiwan and China, translate some materials that I found interesting, and to run clinics in a number of different of locations. I’ve been at this long enough to see how my ideas, beliefs and methods have changed over time. So gradually have become a bit less dogmatic and at the same time made peace with what methods work for me and which do not. Chinese medicine is an invitation to ever inhabit our growing edge. We are constantly challenged by the limits of our understanding and the necessity to update what we think we know.

These days I split my time between clinical work, writing and hosting the Qiological podcast.

Courses taught by Michael Max

DIY SEO: How to Organically Get Your Website onto the First Page of Google

By Michael Max

Language: English

Course length: 1.5 h

corso: da 11,25 €
Practical Considerations for a Home Office

By Michael Max

Language: English

Course length: 1 h

corso: da 22,50 €