Oliver Ernst

Oliver Ernst
- Apprenticeship Dr. Annemarie Schweizer -Arau. Founder of SART (systemic autoregulation therapy) treatment for endometriosis and infertility.
- TCM Expert in Reproductive Medicine. German Society of Reproductive Medicine. DGRM. (2010-11)
- Hunyuan Fertility Certification Course. Classical Chinese Medicine focused on Chinese Phytotherapy and Xin Fa. Dr. Yaron Seidman, Connecticut, USA. (2010-14)
- Clinical Seminars with Dr. Tran Viet Dzung. CENAC. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy School. (2007-2008)
- International Master Degree TCM with special emphasis on gynaecological problems and infertility. Dr. Tran Viet Dzung, Dra. S. Tahan, Prof. Dr. P. Unschuld, Dr. D. Basmadjian and Li Ping, Dr. J. Taillandier, Stephen Birch, Bow Flaws, Mazin Al-Khafaji. (2005-2007)

Professional Experience:
- Codirector naturISTHAR. Naturopathic Centre for integrative fertility care. (2007-2019). www.naturisthar.com
- Founder of Herbfiv. Chinese herbal prescriptions registered as nutritional supplement for fertility care.
- President FENACO (Catalan Delegation) - Spanish Naturopathic Association. (2017-february 2019)
- Chair for Acupuncture FENACO Spain. Spanish Naturopathic Association. (2017-february 2019) Col. FENACO 3170
- Member of the European Expert Team for Integrative Reproductive Medicine. (Special Interest Group - SIG) University Bonn, Germany. Chairman Mrs. Prof. Dr. med. Katrin van der Ven (2011-2019)
- Collaborator with various IVF clinics in Barcelona, Spain. BcnIVF, Fertilab, IVI, CIRH Corachan, Cefer. (2009-2015)
- Speaker at Biocultura, International fair of organic products and responsible consumption. Barcelona, Spain (2008-2017)
- Organizer and speaker at the First European Hunyuan Medicine Congress. Barcelona, Spain (2013)
- Speaker at the international Chinese Medicine Congress in Rothenburg, Germany. (2012-2013)
- Speaker at the annual conference of the European Expert Team for Integrative Reproductive Medicine. University Hospital Bonn, Germany. (2012)
- TCM Teacher – Chinese Herbology and Dietetics. CENAC. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy School. Barcelona, Spain. (2008-2012)
- TCM Teacher – TCM Foundations and Theory. KENG RAK. Shiatsu and TCM School. Barcelona, Spain. (2009-2013)
- Herbology and nutraceutical health food store. Barcelona, Spain (2010-2012)
- Naturopathist, TCM Practitionner, Shiatsu Specialist since 2000 with own Health Care Centre. SHIATSU KIREI (2000-2007)

Courses taught by Oliver Ernst

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