Acupressure Supplies
Acupressure supplies: Tools for acupressure, from dermarollers to acupressure posters and push buttons
The earliest form of acupressure is massage using the hands. The stimulation of stimulation points is intended to release tension and alleviate pain. These points are often acupuncture points or trigger points. For ideal stimulation without acupuncture needles, acupressure massage tools for very different techniques were developed over time; among these techniques are the Japanese acupressure treatments of shonishin and Manaka. Special Manaka hammers or complete shonishin sets that include a full range of instruments are examples of the tools for these Japanese techniques.
Tools for acupressure are generally very diverse. Push buttons for locating stimulation points of course also exist, just as they do in the area of acupuncture. These can even be spring-loaded, depending on the requirements of the therapist. In certain forms of treatment such as massage of the connective tissue, neurological nerve wheels, dermarollers, micro-needle rollers, needle stamps or massage sticks are also used. For hand acupressure, finger rollers and massage sticks are used.
At acupunctureworld, you can purchase online not only many massage tools for acupressure, but also medical supplies such as anatomical acupressure posters and educational charts.
The content of this article should not be construed as medical advice and is not a substitute for the recommendations of a medical professional. If you have any specific questions, please contact your doctor or alternative medicine practitioner.