Laser safety goggles - for protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation according to DIN EN 270
Exposure of the eyes to direct or scattered radiation can cause eye or radiation damage.
Laser safety goggles are essential personal protective equipment when handling class 3 and 4 laser equipment. They filter out the laser light and protect against direct, reflected or diffusely scattered laser radiation.
Within the treatment room, the protective goggles must comply with the DIN EN 207 standard during treatment. It regulates the requirements for goggles for protection against unintentionally acting laser radiation and subdivides the goggles - depending on wavelength and exposure time - into protection levels from LB 1 to LB 10.
Schlüsselfaktoren, die bei Design jeder Laserschutzbrille berücksichtigt werden, sind: Protection, vision, comfort and style.
When choosing safety eyewear, special consideration must be given to the wavelength - expressed in nm - of the laser device.
Product properties
In order to effectively protect you and your patients, we only offer laser safety eyewear from proven manufacturers.
They are characterized by
- Protective goggles for different wavelength ranges and matched to the Reimers & Janssen stock equipment we offer./li>
- Good daylight transmission of the laser safety goggles should be provided so that you (and your patient, if applicable) can see your surroundings during the treatment.
- Safety goggles meet the requirements of DIN EN 207 Personal eye protection - Filters and eye protection devices against laser radiation (laser safety goggles). They must be marked with a CE mark.
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